Byotea Cornflower Paraffin Foil Tray – 1000ml
*This item is drop-shipped from the manufacturer. Not eligible for Expedited/Rush shipping.
Deep hydration for hands and feet with a perfect silk soft skin.
How to Use: Dissolve the product in a proper paraffin heater at a temperature not exceeding 70°C for about an hour and a half, then bring the paraffin heater temperature down to 40°C. Massage the area with the special cream. Dip into the paraffin heater for three times. Wear the cellophane bag and the proper mitt or sock. Leave on for about 15 minutes. Remove the cellophane bag and the paraffin. Rub with the special end-of-treatment hand and foot cream.
*Comes with two trays (500ml/tray)